Dave Owen

About Me

I'm David John Owen, New Zealand citizen and average bloke, commonly known as Dave. I'm lucky enough to live in Te Awamutu, have cool family and friends, and do work that I love.

In the big scheme of things I suppose my existence is fairly inconsequential, but I like to tell myself (and other people) that I have something to offer the World.

My working life has covered a few different career paths. I've been a psychiatric nurse, a musician, television director and web designer. Some of my jobs have worked out better than others but I'm pretty sure I was at least competent in all those areas. I basically retired in 2007 and I now live off my websites.

I'm happy that I've never outgrown my passion for space adventures. My space-related projects include giving live presentations, running sidewalk astronomy, collecting space memorabilia and building a spaceflight simulator. I'm currently president of the Hamilton Astronomical Society.

See the History of Me for more details or find me at: